Communications & Inclusion – Telling our Stories
As part of the MentorAbility Canada Project, March of Dimes Canada and the Ontario Disability Employment Network are hosting a two part webinar series on Telling our Stories, June 10 & June 17, 2020.
Who do we need to engage – and what messages matter to them? Sign up for these events through Eventbrite and learn the “why” and “how” of story-telling and how to use resources to create a structure to gather, curate and share our work with the specific audiences we wish to engage.
Now, more than ever, our organizational capacity to connect with and engage stakeholders and communities online is a critical element of our organizations’ success. Our work and our key messages are about connections, opportunities and helping to build diverse and inclusive workplaces. Our outcomes in most circumstances rely on engagement. Our stories contain our organizations’ reason for existence and create a compelling case for the social change we seek while enlisting allies, deepening relationships and fostering meaningful collaborations.
An intentional brand, communications strategy and organizational platforms which support and encourage effective story-telling are all critical to engagement and outcomes. Stories happen on our ‘front lines’ – but simply asking our employees to ‘tell stories’ isn’t even close to a complete strategy. Learn how to facilitate a culture of communication and engagement around our work and its impact on the people and communities we serve – and explore ways to build story-telling into work routines within an intentional communications framework.
Register on Eventbrite at
Part 1 – June 10, 2020 at 12 noon EST
Part one will engage participants in shared learning around the ‘why and how’ of story-telling including essential story-telling concepts and techniques.
Part 2 – June 17, 2020 at 12 noon EST
In Part 2 participants will learn about how to use existing resources to create a structure to gather, curate and share our work with the specific audiences we wish to engage. A copy of the presentation will be provided along with resource links and templates to help organizations initiate and implement a communications strategy and engaging online presence.